How can I see if I have a yearly budget on a specific expense category? (New app)
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If your organization has set up a yearly budget on a specific expense category (for example wellness allowance) you can see this in the top of the expense when you make a new expense and choose an expense category that has a yearly budget. This is also how you can see how much you have left in balance on the expense category.
Click on the tabs below to learn how it can look like in the app and on the web:
Click on the plus-sign in right upper corner the Dashboard (or click on New expense in your left-side menu) and choose New expense.
Now you can click on “the pen” in the upper right corner to Select expense category and select the expense category where you would like to see how much you have left in balance on the category:
Remember to click Cancel in the bottom right corner if you don't want to save the expense.
Click on the large plus sign at the bottom of your view and select Expense.
If you have the automatic camera view enabled ("Automatically open camera for new expenses" in Personal settings), you will need to click Skip receipt photo when the camera view opens.
Now you can click on Select category and choose the expense category where you want to see how much you have left in your category balance.
Remember to click on "X" in the upper right corner and then Discard changes if you don't want to save the expense.
In this example above, the user has a balance of 215 SEK left. The yearly budget (starting in January) has been set to 3500 SEK by the administrators in this organization. This means that the user has already used 3285 SEK of the budget for this year.
Please keep in mind that if your organization has set, for example, January as a start date for a yearly budget and you add a receipt with the date of purchase in december 2023 but you add the receipt in Findity in January 2024, your expense will be counted in the yearly budget of 2023. This means that date of purchase in expense controls which yearly budget that should be charged.